Merge Code
Example Output
##ITEMNR## $
##ITEMPHOTOURLCSV## Returns a CSV of all product photos $
##ITEMRAWURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID $
##ITEMSHORTDESCRIPTION## Pulls the items' short description. $
##ITEMTOTALCOST## returns the item�s cost multiplied by its quantity when used in the Order Item context in emails. $
##ITEMWEIGHT[decimalplaces=?]## ? represents the number of decimal places to use. $
##JSENCODE[?]## encodes a string for use inside quotes, useful for merge codes inside JS. $
##LASTITEMNR## item number history field $
##LASTPAYMENTSTATUS# Success/Declined, last time the subscription renewal was attempted. $
##LENGTH## (optionally use ##LENGTH[includeunit=true]##) $
##LOGINLOGOUTLINK## A login/logout merge that will flip flop between login and logout based on the customer's login status. $
##LOGINLOGOUTLINK[loginpage=login2.aspx,redirect=default.aspx,registerurl=register.aspx]## $
##LOGINMESSAGE[message=Welcome ##CUSTOMERFIRSTNAME##!]## Notice this is a merge within a merge. To get a comma, use the character entity code for it: #44 (without the space after the ","). $
##LOGINMESSAGE[message=You are now logged in!]## Only shows up when the user is logged in, gives them a welcome message, helps show they are logged in $
##LOGO##: Returns an image tag of the stores' invoice logo. $
##LONGDESCRIPTION1[100,...]## Limit long description to 100 characters $
##MANUFACTURERDROPDOWN[width=100px,defaulttext=Select...]## A dropdown list of store manufacturers, when you select one it navigates to that page. $
##MANUFACTURERINVOICENUMBER## Displays the manufacturer invoice number assigned to the order. $
##MAPPRICELINK## Displays the MAP pricing message as a link that opens a popup window $
##MFGFULLURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path $
##MFGID## $
##MFGPARTNUMBER## Recently added MGPARTNUMBER and MFGNAME merges for order items. This allows the merge code to work on the order view page. $
##MFGRAWURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID $
##MFGURL## $
##MSCOLOR1## $
##MSCOLOR2## $
##MSLOGO## Microstore's logo $
##MULTIPLESOFQUANT## set via store text to display a message about the product using the "multiples of quantity" setting $
##ORDERCATEGORYLISTPIPESEPARATED## Generates a list of the primary category for each line item on the order separated by the character | $