Merge Code
Example Output
$$OVERALLRATING$$(Product Details Widget) $
$$PHOTO$$ Thumbnail area $
$$POST$$ $
$$POSTAS$$ $
$$POSTS$ $
$$PRICE$$ $
$$PRODUCTCOUNT$$ total product search results (over all pages) $
$$PRODUCTFLAGS$$ Pulls in an image for the flag if any are active. $
$$PRODUCTGROUPDISPLAY$$ Used for product groups, parent child display, kitting, etc. An alternative display of price/qty $
$$RELATEDITEMS$$ The related items control can be moved around for display, can also use the related items snapins for this $
$$RETAIL$$ $
$$REVIEWCOUNTLINK$$ Displays a link to view the product reviews for the currently displayed product. $
$$RIGHTCOLUMN$$ Right column of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Right Column" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$RMAREASON$$ Dropdown of reasons defined in the RMAReasonCSV store text field, comma separated list $
$$RMAREASONLABEL$$ Label for the dropdown editor, defaults to "Reason for return:" $
$$SHIPPINGESTIMATIONLINK$$ Estimates shipping right from the product page $
$$SOCIALBOOKMARKS$$ Displays social bookmarking engine links $
$$STOCKSTATUSFILTER$$ Works on Category, Manufacturer, Search and Attribute theme pages. It will display a dropdown list with all the product statues that are not hidden. Upon selecting a value, the page will refresh and...$
$$STOCKSTATUSFILTERBOTTOM$$ Works on Category, Manufacturer, Search and Attribute theme pages. Displays a dropdown list with all the product statues that are not hidden. Upon selecting a value, the page will refresh and show...$