Merge Code
Example Output
##SSLDOMAINNAME## Secure URL of your storefront $
##STOREPRODUCTAVERAGERATING##: displaying average review rating for all products from a store. $
##STOREPRODUCTREVIEWCOUNT##: displaying total review count for all products from a store. $
##SUBSCRIPTIONFREQUENCY## Displays the frequency. (number value) $
##SUBSCRIPTIONFREQUENCYTYPE## Displays the frequency type. (days, weeks, months) $
##SUBSCRIPTIONID## Displays ID of the subscription $
##SUBSCRIPTIONNAME# OrderID: XXXX for EntireOrder type, ItemName for SubscriptionProductsOnly $
##SUBSCRIPTIONNEXTDATE## Displays the subscription's next due date. $
##SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE# None, EntireOrder, SubscriptionProductsOnly $
##SUBTOTAL## Subtotal for the order $
##TAX## $
##TELLAFRIEND## Displays the Tell A Friend link that will open in a Highslide popup. $
##THEMELEFTCOLUMNWIDTH## Layout width from the theme for the bounding area of the left column $
##THEMEMAINCONTENTWIDTH## Layout width from the theme for the bounding area of the content area $
##THEMEPAGEWIDTH## Layout width from the theme for the entire wrapping area of the site $
##THEMERIGHTCOLUMNWIDTH## Layout width from the theme for the bounding area of the right column $
##TIMEFRAME# displays the "usually ships in" text specified in product statuses. $
##TIMESTAMP## Can accept parameters like ##TIMESTAMP[yyyyMMdd]## to change the format of the timestamp. $
##TOGGLEENABLED# Enable/Disable - Opposite of current status as an action word. Can be passed via QueryString along with SubscriptionID to MyAccount to swap status. $
##TOTAL## $
##TRIM[200]## Content ##ENDTRIM## Trims content to a specified number of characters. $
##URLENCODE[?]## encodes a string for a url $
##USERID## $
##WAREHOUSEACCOUNT## The account number set for the warehouse or drop shipper $
##WAREHOUSEADDRESS## The street address, city, state, and zip for the drop shipper or warehouse $
##WAREHOUSENAME## The name of the warehouse or drop shipper $
##WAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## Lists the items that come from the current warehouse in an order (used for the texted based email format) $
##WAREHOUSESUBTOTAL## Displays the subtotal of the items in an order from the current warehouse $
##WAREHOUSETOTAL## Displays the total of the items (after adding shipping) in an order from the current warehouse $
##WIDTH## (optionally use ##WIDTH[includeunit=true]##) $
##YOUSAVEAMOUNT## Shows difference between Retail and Base Price as Dollar Amount $
##YOUSAVELABEL## Label for You Save merge. Default: "You Save:" $
##YOUSAVEPERCENT## Shows difference between Retail and Base Price as Percentage Amount $
$$AMAZONCHECKOUTBUTTON$$ displays the checkout by amazon button on the shopping cart page. $
$$AUTHOR$$ $