Merge Code
Example Output
$$SUBSCRIPTIONFREQUENCY$$ Used in Conjunction with Variable Subscription Types to place a dropdown selector for Subscription Renewal Frequency $
$$TITLE$$ $
$$TOPNAVIGATION$$ Typically below the header, can contain snapins including dropdown menus or link groups. $
$$TOPPRODUCTSPECIFICSNAPINAREA$$ Displays Product Specific (TOP OF PAGE) Snap-Ins from the Product Details Page $
$$TOPSNAPINAREA$$ Displays the Snap-Ins for the (TOP OF PAGE) Snap-In Section $
$$TOTALSHIPPINGWEIGHT$$ Outputs the entire weight of the order. $
$$WRITEREVIEWLINK$$ Displays a link to a page where the customer can write a product review for the currently displayed product. $
Conditional merge code: ##IF[CatReviewCount]## $
test $