Merge Code
Example Output
$$DETAILS$$ All of the descriptions, including the Tabs if enabled $
$$ETADATE$$ Displays the Estimated Time to Deliver Date $
$$FOOTER$$ Footer of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Page Footer" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$GIFTCERTIFICATEAMOUNT$$ Outputs the amount left on a gift certificate. Only works on the Customer - My Account page. $
$$GROUP$$ $
$$HEADER$$ The header of your site, typically above the top navigation, tied to the 'Page Header' area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$IMAGE$$ $
$$ITEMDATE$$ publication date $
$$ITEMFULLHTML$$ full item text, HTML formatting preserved $
$$ITEMFULLTEXT$$ full item text, stripped of HTML $
$$ITEMLINK$$ URL to original item $
$$ITEMNR$$ Item Number $
$$ITEMSUBSCRIPTIONINFO$ Allows the subscription frequency to be displayed in cart on View Cart Page. $
$$ITEMSUBSCRIPTIONINFO$$ Allows the subscription frequency to be displayed in cart on View Cart Page. $
$$ITEMSUMMARY$$ first 200 characters of item text $
$$ITEMTITLE$$ title $
$$LEFTCOLUMN$$ Left column of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Left Column" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$LOGO$$ $
$$MAINCONTENT$$ The content area of your site, changes by page type. $
$$MFGCOUNT$$ total manufacturer matches $
$$MFGLOGO$$ Logo of Manufacturer $
$$MFGNAME$$ Name of Manufacturer $
$$NORESULTS$$ Displays a message when no search results are displayed. "Sorry, your search query did not return any results". $
$$NOTIFYME$$ Displays the Notify Me link for an out of stock product. $