Merge Code
Example Output
##FACEBOOKLIKEBUTTON[specific url]## $
##FACEBOOKLIKEURL[http://some.url]## Creates a like button that will �Like� the given URL (defaults to the current URL) $
##FACEBOOKLOGIN## can be used to place a facebook login button almost anywhere instead of just on login pages. $
##FORMID## (contactform identifier) $
##GENERICVARIABLES## For testing purposes, you can output all of your generic variables $
##GIFTCERTIFICATECODESCSV## Lists all gift certificate codes in a comma separated format. Can be used to send multiple codes to a customer via an email template. $
##GIFTCERTIFICATEDELIVERYAREA## Outputs the Gift Certificate code, amount, and expiration date if applicable $
##GIFTCERTIFICATEDELIVERYAREAHTML## Outputs the Gift Certificate code, amount, and expiration date if applicable using HTML line breaks $
##GIFTCERTIFICATETOEMAIL## Obtained from the optional personalization fields on the Gift Certificate eProduct or on the Gift Certificate Edit screen. $
##GIFTCERTIFICATETONAME## Obtained from the optional personalization fields on the Gift Certificate eProduct or on the Gift Certificate Edit screen. $
##GOOGLECHECKOUT[size=small,bg=white,variant=text]## Displays the Google Checkout button. Size can be "small," "medium," or "large," background color can be "white" or "transparent," variant can be either "text" or "no-text." $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGITEMNR## will render item nr(s) instead of the ids $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPAGETYPE## Renders �home�, �searchresults�, �category�, �product�, �cart�, �purchase�, or �other� depending on store page type. $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPRODID## On a product page renders �688�, on cart, checkout and orderview renders array of item ids, ex: [�123�.�456�,�789�] $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGTOTALVALUE## On a product page renders �0�, on cart and checkout it renders the raw subtotal, and on order view renders the raw total. $
##GTIN## global trade item number, used for google feeds and barcodes $
##GTINSORTEDWAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## For New Order Notification (Drop Shipper) email template. This is to sort items by the GTIN $
##HEIGHT## (optionally use ##HEIGHT[includeunit=true]##) $
##HIDEBYID## Prevents an element from rendering. $
##HTMLBILLADDRESS## Customer's billing address in an HTML format $
##HTMLORDERITEMS## Items in the order, displayed in a table $
##HTMLSHIPADDRESS## Customer's shipping address in an HTML format $
##HTMLWAREHOUSEORDERITEMS## Lists the items that come from the current warehouse in an order (used for the html based email format) $
##IF[CartIsEmpty]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[CustomerAdCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## The adcode stored on the customer record directly. (BLANK or = checks are supported) $
##IF[CustomerAffiliateCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## The affiliate stored on the customer record directly. (BLANK or = checks are supported) $
##IF[CustomerHasNoAccount]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[CustomerIsAffiliate]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[CustomerIsNew]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[CustomerStoreID=123]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[CustomerType=Wholesale]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[IsMicroStore]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[IsNotMicroStore]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[ITEMID=1234]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[LoggedIn]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[OrderIsGift]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## (else if optional) $
##IF[SessionAdCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## The adcode stored on the current session. (BLANK or = checks are supported) $
##IF[SessionAffiliateCode=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## The affiliate code stored on the current session. (BLANK or = checks are supported) $
##IF[SessionCustomerIsNew]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[SessionCustomerType=XYZ]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[SessionCustomerTypeID=123]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[SessionIsAffiliate]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[StoreID=1]## sample text ##ELSE## sample test ##ENDIF## (else is optional) Used to differentiate text in product descriptions and other fields on a per store basis. $
##IF[TRACKINGCODEEXISTS]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[UseMapPricing]## content ##ELSE## content ##ENDIF## $
##IF[YourVariableName=Value]## Show if True ##ELSE## Show if False ##ENDIF## $
##IMAGERESIZER[]## Uses the Image Resizer to render an image url for the given image. Accepts paramerters: path, lr, bw, w, bh, & h $
##IMAGERESIZER[path=##ITEMPHOTOURL##,bw=50,lr=t]## This uses the product photo url as the image path, sets the max width to 50 and locks the ratio (size proportionally) $
##INCLUDESCRIPTBOTTOM[YOUR SCRIPT LOCATION]## - Adds a reference to the specified script at the bottom of the page. Ex: $
##INFOITEMS## An item added to the cart that is visible to the store owner but not the customer i.e.: "This order came from my blue email template" $
##INFOITEMSHTML## HTML version of the above merge $
##IPADDRESS## Displays the current browser's IP $
##ISACTIVE# Active/Inactive (same as is enabled, different wording) $
##ISENABLED# Enabled/Disabled $
##ISGIFT## $
##ITEMDESC## Pulls information about the product, including variations, customizations and Line Item Notes. $
##ITEMFULLURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path $
##ITEMID## $