Merge Code
Example Output
##ACCEPTEDCREDITCARDLOGOS## Will display logos for the store accepted credit cards. $
##AMAZONLOGIN## Used to place Login With Amazon buttons. By default, this redirects back to the page where the button was clicked. Alternatively, you can use to redirect the customer to a specific URL. $
##AMAZONPAYBUTTON## Can Specify the type, color, and size of the button in the merge code as well as the merge using the values specified here: $
##AMAZONPAYBUTTON[type=Pay,size=large,color=gold]## $
##BINGCASHBACK## Put this merge on the order confirmation page in a custom html snapin to submit your order to Bing Cash Back for processing, insert your Bing Cash Back ID under store settings $
##CARTITEMSCOUNT## Shows just the number of items in the cart. $
##CARTRAWSUBTOTAL## the cart subtotal as a decimal value (without $) $
##CARTRAWTOTAL## the cart total as a decimal value (without $) $
##CARTSHIPPING## shows the shipping amount for the cart if a shipping method has been selected. $
##CARTSUBTOTAL## Shows the subtotal for the cart $
##CARTTOTALWEIGHT## Displays the total weight of all items in the shopping cart. $
##CATEGORYDROPDOWN[catID=447~451,width=100px,defaulttext=Select...]## A dropdown list of the categories and it's subcategories, when you select one it navigates to that page. $
##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST## Run any merge code against a products child items and return the values as a configurable delimited list. $
##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST[ITEMID]## run the 629 merge against all the child products and return them in a delimited list, such as: 12,45,103. Additionally you can change the separator by passing a separator parameter, and the values...$
##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST[PRODUCTSTATUS,separator=|,quoted=true]## return the status of each child products wrapped in quotes, separated by a | character. $
##CURRENTDATE[]# Displays Text Formated Curent Date 5/8/2024 "8/30/2010" ; 2024 "2010" ;2024/05/08 "2010/08/30" $
##CUSTOMERLOGIN[Width=123,Class=XYZ,ButtonImage=/images/btnLogin.gif]## Allows you to position the login form anywhere in your site. $
##CUSTOMFORM[/store/pg/ test.aspx,100]## - This will pull an html form into an iFrame and pull in the url $
##EMAILPAGELINK## Allows you to send the current URL to a friend or coworker, it just sends a URL of the page by email using the standard email client at this time. $
##EXTERNALCONTENT[]## Will pull the content from an external source and put it right there on the page! $
##FORMID## (contactform identifier) $
##GOOGLECHECKOUT[size=small,bg=white,variant=text]## Displays the Google Checkout button. Size can be "small," "medium," or "large," background color can be "white" or "transparent," variant can be either "text" or "no-text." $
##HIDEBYID## Prevents an element from rendering. $
##IMAGERESIZER[]## Uses the Image Resizer to render an image url for the given image. Accepts paramerters: path, lr, bw, w, bh, & h $
##IMAGERESIZER[path=##ITEMPHOTOURL##,bw=50,lr=t]## This uses the product photo url as the image path, sets the max width to 50 and locks the ratio (size proportionally) $
##INCLUDESCRIPTBOTTOM[YOUR SCRIPT LOCATION]## - Adds a reference to the specified script at the bottom of the page. Ex: $
##IPADDRESS## Displays the current browser's IP $
##ITEMPHOTOURLCSV## Returns a CSV of all product photos $
##JSENCODE[?]## encodes a string for use inside quotes, useful for merge codes inside JS. $
##LOGINLOGOUTLINK## A login/logout merge that will flip flop between login and logout based on the customer's login status. $
##LOGINLOGOUTLINK[loginpage=login2.aspx,redirect=default.aspx,registerurl=register.aspx]## $
##LOGINMESSAGE[message=Welcome ##CUSTOMERFIRSTNAME##!]## Notice this is a merge within a merge. To get a comma, use the character entity code for it: #44 (without the space after the ","). $
##LOGINMESSAGE[message=You are now logged in!]## Only shows up when the user is logged in, gives them a welcome message, helps show they are logged in $
##MANUFACTURERDROPDOWN[width=100px,defaulttext=Select...]## A dropdown list of store manufacturers, when you select one it navigates to that page. $
##MAPPRICELINK## Displays the MAP pricing message as a link that opens a popup window $
##PAGETITLE## Title of web page as seen in titlebar $
##PAYPALEXPRESSCHECKOUT[size=small]## Displays the PayPal Express Checkout button. Size of this button can be either small or large. $
##PRICEOF[ID=10]## Displays the price of the product with the indicated ID. $
##QUANTITYPRICEGRIDOF## or ##QUANTITYPRICEGRIDOF[1234]## Displays the advance pricing of the current product or of the product belonging to the passed in ID. $
##QUERYSTRING[name]# Displays the value from the querystring and put it in place of this merge. $
##QUICKADDTOCART## This puts a text box where when an item number is entered into it, it will add that item number and a quantity of 1 to the cart. Does not work if the product has variants or personalization. $
##ROOTCATID## Renders the store root category id $
##SEARCHBOX## Evaluates to a search box control with a submit button next to it $
##SEARCHBOX[autocomplete=true]## Turns on auto completion and will search the catalog for whatever is typed and show a dropdown of options. $
##SEARCHBOX[catID=15|16|17]## Optionally show a category dropdown containing the categories listed to limit the search to those categories. List must be a pipe (|) delimited list of category IDs. Category IDs can be found on the...$
##SEARCHBOX[class=AutocompleteSearchBox]## A standard search box but the CSS is the same as an Autocomplete search box. $
##SESSIONADCODE## Displays the adcode from the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails. $
##SESSIONAFFILIATECODE## Displays the affilate code from the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails. $
##SESSIONCUSTOMERTYPE## Displays the customer type set on the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails. $
##SESSIONCUSTOMERTYPEID## Displays the customer type ID set on the visiting session. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails. $
##SESSIONSOURCE## Displays the visitor source (Google, Bing, Yahoo, PPC, etc.) where a customer came to the site from. This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails. $
##SESSIONSOURCEGROUP## Displays the visitor source group (unknown spider, search engine in the case of referring domain, etc.) This merge code is available throughout every page in the system, not for emails. $
##SHOPCARTLINE## Shows a 1 line shopping cart that is just a count of products in the cart and the price, its a link that goes to the cart $
##TRIM[200]## Content ##ENDTRIM## Trims content to a specified number of characters. $
##URLENCODE[?]## encodes a string for a url $
$$AMAZONCHECKOUTBUTTON$$ displays the checkout by amazon button on the shopping cart page. $
$$NORESULTS$$ Displays a message when no search results are displayed. "Sorry, your search query did not return any results". $