Merge Code
Example Output
$$FOOTER$$ Footer of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Page Footer" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$HEADER$$ The header of your site, typically above the top navigation, tied to the 'Page Header' area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$LEFTCOLUMN$$ Left column of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Left Column" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$MAINCONTENT$$ The content area of your site, changes by page type. $
$$RIGHTCOLUMN$$ Right column of your site, usually contains link groups and other snapins, tied to the "Right Column" area of the AmeriCommerce online stores theme system. $
$$TOPNAVIGATION$$ Typically below the header, can contain snapins including dropdown menus or link groups. $