Merge Code
Example Output
##ADDITEM## (legacy) $
##CATAVERAGERATING##: displaying average review rating for all products from a category. $
##CATREVIEWCOUNT##: displaying total review count for all products from a category. $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGITEMNR## will render item nr(s) instead of the ids $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPAGETYPE## Renders �home�, �searchresults�, �category�, �product�, �cart�, �purchase�, or �other� depending on store page type. $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGPRODID## On a product page renders �688�, on cart, checkout and orderview renders array of item ids, ex: [�123�.�456�,�789�] $
##GOOGLEREMARKETINGTOTALVALUE## On a product page renders �0�, on cart and checkout it renders the raw subtotal, and on order view renders the raw total. $
##MFGFULLURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path $
##MFGRAWURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID $
##MFGURL## $
##ORDERCATEGORYLISTPIPESEPARATED## Generates a list of the primary category for each line item on the order separated by the character | $
##ORDERDISCOUNTEDSUBTOTAL## Subtotal minus applied discounts $
##ORDERITEMLISTPIPESEPARATED## Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order separated by the character | $
##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTED## Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma. $
##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTEDWITHPRICE## Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order with the corresponding price enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma. $
##ORDERITEMLISTQUOTEDWITHQTY## Generates a list of all items (by SKU/Item Number) on the order with the corresponding quantity enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma. $
##ORDERITEMLISTURLENCODED## lists the item numbers on an order (comma separated and url encoded) $
##ORDERITEMLISTWEBTRENDS## Populates the tracking script with order item information. $
##ORDERPRICELISTQUOTED## Generates a list of the prices of all items on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma (rounds to 2 decimal places). Example: �2295.00�,�5.00�,�4.00� $
##ORDERPRICELISTURLENCODED## lists the item prices on an order (comma separated and url encoded) $
##ORDERQUANTITYLISTPIPESEPARATED## Generates a list of all the item quantities on the order separated by the character | $
##ORDERQUANTITYLISTQUOTED## Generates a list of the quantities of all items on the order enclosed in single quotes and separated by a comma. $
##ORDERQUANTITYLISTURLENCODED## lists the item quantities on an order (comma separated and url encoded) $
##PARTIALSHIPPINGINFO## Textual shipping information $
##PARTIALSHIPPINGINFOHTML## Table based html of the shipping info $
##PAYMENTDECLINEDREASON## Displays any response from the payment gateway as the declined reason. $
$$AUTHOR$$ $
$$AVAILABILITY$$ Displays what product status is available for the product $
$$AVERAGEREVIEWRATINGSTARS$$ Displays the average "star" rating rating calculated as the sum of ratings divided by the count of product reviews that have been submitted and approved for the product. $
$$BLOGCOUNT$$ total blog posts + blog matches. $