Merge Code
Example Output
##CARTLINK## Gives a link to an existing cart. $
##CARTNAME## Displays the cart name. $
##CARTRAWSUBTOTAL## the cart subtotal as a decimal value (without $) $
##CARTRAWTOTAL## the cart total as a decimal value (without $) $
##CARTSHIPPING## shows the shipping amount for the cart if a shipping method has been selected. $
##CARTSUBTOTAL## Shows the subtotal for the cart $
##CARTTOTALWEIGHT## Displays the total weight of all items in the shopping cart. $
##CARTTYPE## Displays the cart type. $
##CATAVERAGERATING##: displaying average review rating for all products from a category. $
##CATEGORYCUSTOMFIELD[fieldname]## Custom fields created for categories, and used via merge codes and import/exporting. $
##CATEGORYDROPDOWN[catID=447~451,width=100px,defaulttext=Select...]## A dropdown list of the categories and it's subcategories, when you select one it navigates to that page. $
##CATFULLURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path $
##CATICON## Displays the Category Icon path. $
##CATID## Primary category ID, does not include subcategories the product belongs to $
##CATRAWURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID $
##CATREVIEWCOUNT##: displaying total review count for all products from a category. $
##CATTHUMB## Displays the Category Thumbnail path. $
##CATURL## $
##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST## Run any merge code against a products child items and return the values as a configurable delimited list. $
##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST[ITEMID]## run the 629 merge against all the child products and return them in a delimited list, such as: 12,45,103. Additionally you can change the separator by passing a separator parameter, and the values...$
##CHILDPRODUCTMERGELIST[PRODUCTSTATUS,separator=|,quoted=true]## return the status of each child products wrapped in quotes, separated by a | character. $
##CONTENTPAGEFULLURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached and current rewritten path $
##CONTENTPAGERAWURL## fully qualified url with domain name attached but the raw path with ?ID $
##COST## $
##COUPONCODE## Displays the coupon code used for an order. $
##CURRENTDATE[]# Displays Text Formated Curent Date 5/2/2024 "8/30/2010" ; 2024 "2010" ;2024/05/02 "2010/08/30" $
##CUSTOMERCUSTOMFIELD[FieldName]## The value of a custom field for Customers $
##CUSTOMERCUSTOMFIELDLISTITEMTEXT[fieldName]## gets actual text selected from custom field dropdown (as opposed to value, which may or may not be the same as the text) $
##CUSTOMEREMAIL## Email address of the customer $
##CUSTOMERLOGIN[Width=123,Class=XYZ,ButtonImage=/images/btnLogin.gif]## Allows you to position the login form anywhere in your site. $
##CUSTOMERNUMBER## External Customer Nr from the customer account on the General tab. $
##CUSTOMERORDERTOTAL ## Total of all orders that are not of a cancelled or declined order status $
##CUSTOMERORDERTOTALPAID ## Total of all orders that are not of a cancelled or declined order status for which complete payment has been received (approved) $
##CUSTOMERTYPEPRICE[]## product merge, where the setting is the CustomerType name. It displays the product's customer type pricing as a currency amount without a label. If there is no matching customer type price for the...$
##CUSTOMFORM[/store/pg/ test.aspx,100]## - This will pull an html form into an iFrame and pull in the url $
##DISCOUNTSTRING## The discount rule name(s) that are applied to the order $
##DISCOUNTTOTAL## The amount of the discount as a negative number $
##DOMAINNAME## URL of your storefront $
##DROPSHIPPINGMSG## When a product's drop ship flag is on it will display the drop shipping message found under Settings > Shipping > General $
##EMAILADDRESS## Example: $
##EMAILPAGELINK## Allows you to send the current URL to a friend or coworker, it just sends a URL of the page by email using the standard email client at this time. $
##EPRODUCTS# Creates the link to the eProduct. Text Only. $
##EPRODUCTSHTML# Creates the link to the eProduct. Clickable. Use in HTML format e-mails only. $
##ETADATE# displays the ETA date specified on a given product. requires "Show ETA Date" checked in the theme settings. $
##EXPORTNAME## Name assigned to the scheduled export. $
##EXTERNALCONTENT[]## Will pull the content from an external source and put it right there on the page! $
##FACEBOOKCOMMENTS## Used in conjuction with the "Facebook Application ID" setting on the Advanced tab of the Theme Manager. By default the merge will use AmeriCommerce online stores appId which means you will not be...$
##FACEBOOKJS## will include Facebook�s javascript $
##FACEBOOKLIKEBOX[ ]## Usage: Example: $
##FACEBOOKLIKEBUTTON## Creates a like button that will �Like� current page that the merge is placed on $